Abloy 4272MP Security lock

ecurity lock (comparable with grade 4 according to EN 12209) combined with multipoint module.

The hookbolt with intermediate locking position is locked and retracted by turning the key 360°.

The deadbolt protrudes 23 mm.

Lock handing can easily be changed by pushing in the latchbolt and
turning it 180°.

Multipoint module provides several multipoint locking applications.

The lock can be used with Europrofile DIN standard fittings.

The lock is applicable also for fire doors.

Drilling protection 404252-B, raising the security grade to 5, is available as an optional accessory.

4272MPX is the microswitch version of the lock.
The switch changes the status during the last key throw to the locking direction.

Striker plate LP772, LP773

Finish Fe/ZL

Cylinders: Europrofile DIN range

Fire resistance Yes

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